ILNumerics Ultimate VS

ImmutableT1, LocalT, InT, OutT, RetT, StorageTItem Property (UInt32, UInt32)

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
(TODO: add numpy indexing docu) Retrieves the value of the element at the position specified by d0 and d1 or set its value.

[ILNumerics Core Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Core.Arrays
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Core (in ILNumerics.Core.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public RetT this[
	uint d0,
	uint d1
] { get; }


Type: SystemUInt32
Index into the first dimension.
Type: SystemUInt32
Index into the second dimension or sequential index into remaining dimensions of the array.

Return Value

Type: RetT
Element value wrapped into a new scalar array.

IndexOutOfRangeExceptionif the value of d0 exceeds the number of elements in the first dimension or the computed index according to all index parameters d0, d1,... exceeds the NumberOfElements.

This functions retrieves the value of the element as given by the indices into the first two dimensions.

If the value provided by the last index parameter exceeds the number of elements in its corresponding dimension the superflous index value is translated into subsequent dimensions.

This indexer is readonly on immutable types. The get accessor returns a scalar array. In order to receive the value of the element addressed as system type directly (i.e.: without wrapping it into a new array) and as a faster alternative for scalar or mostly-scalar algorithms use .

[ILNumerics Core Module]

See Also
