ILNumerics Ultimate VS

ConcreteArrayT1, LocalT, InT, OutT, RetT, StorageTToString Method (UInt32, UInt32, NullableStorageOrders, Boolean, Boolean, NullableInt32)

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Creates a textual representation of this array and allows to control display parameters.

[ILNumerics Core Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Core.Arrays
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Core (in ILNumerics.Core.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public override string ToString(
	uint maxNumberElementsPerDimension,
	uint maxNumberElements = 10000,
	Nullable<StorageOrders> style = null,
	bool showType = true,
	bool showSize = true,
	Nullable<int> columnWidth = null


Type: SystemUInt32
Maximum number of elements displayed for any dimension.
maxNumberElements (Optional)
Type: SystemUInt32
[Optional] Overall maximum number of elements displayed. Default: 10000. Use 0 to remove this limit.
style (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableStorageOrders
[Optional] Show the elements in row major or column major order. Default: DefaultStorageOrder (i.e.: currently selected ArrayStyle).
showType (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
[Optional] Add a header info with the element type. Default: true.
showSize (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
[Optional] Add a header info with the arrays size. Default: true.
columnWidth (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt32
[Optional] Controls the width of element columns (number of characters). Default: (auto, depends on type).

Return Value

Type: String
String with the content of this array converted according to the given parameters.

The function converts this array into a string for interactive display, for informal display and for utilization in interactive debug sessions.

Large arrays will be converted into a shorter form to save resources. The number of elements per dimension is limited to the value maxNumberElementsPerDimension. Per default only 50 elements are shown from each dimension; 25 from the beginning and 25 from the end of each dimension. The value for maxNumberElementsPerDimension may be adjusted to create smaller or larger output. 0 as value for maxNumberElementsPerDimension removed the limit and shows all elements up to the number of MaxValue.

The parameter maxNumberElements limits the overall number of elements displayed, regardless of the actual dimension lengths. This parameter takes precedence over maxNumberElementsPerDimension: if the array has too many dimensions and displaying all elements would exceed the number given by maxNumberElements then the value of maxNumberElementsPerDimension will automatically by adjusted (decreased) to keep the overall number of elements within the limits of maxNumberElements.

0 as value for maxNumberElements removes the limit of overall number of elements for the output. In order to display all elements of the array use ToString(0,0). Caution: for very large arrays this may use a lot of resources and may take long!

The elements of this array are displayed as "pages" or matrices. By default, and according to the current setting of DefaultStorageOrder these pages visualize slices of the array along the first and second dimension (ColumnMajor). Or the pages are created from the last two dimensions (RowMajor). The style parameter allows to explicitly control if the display should follow row major or column major semantics.

The parameters showSize and showType - if true - add a short info about the arrays size and type to the header (beginning) of the output.

columnWidth allows to control the number of characters each element column of the output pages created will span. By default, this width is automatically adjusted. For most numeric element types this width is 12.

The signature of this function has been adjusted in version 5.4. The first parameter has been made [required]. The reason is that in some cases the overload resolution of the C# compiler has been observed to fail to prefer the parameterless version of ToString over this function.

[ILNumerics Core Module]

See Also
