ILNumerics Ultimate VS

BaseStorage<T, LocalT, InT, OutT, RetT, StorageT>.GetHashCode Method

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Generate a hash code based on the current element values.

[ILNumerics Core Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Core.StorageLayer
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Core (in ILNumerics.Core.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public override int GetHashCode()

Return Value

Type: Int32
The hash code.

The hash code is generated by taking the values currently stored in the array into account. Therefore, the function must iterate over all elements in the array - which makes it a somehow expensive operation. Take this into account when considering to use large arrays in collections like dictionaries or hashtables, which make great use of hash codes.

[ILNumerics Core Module]

See Also
