ILNumerics Ultimate VS

FillAreaUpdate Method

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Call this method to update the positions and the baseline of a recently created FillArea object

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2 (in ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public void Update(
	InArray<float> positions = null,
	Nullable<float> baseline = null


positions (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArraySingle
[optional] (2 x n) matrix, containing new positions.
baseline (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableSingle
[optional] line that defines upper or lower limit of fill area depending on its value, default: 0.

ArgumentException If input argument positions is not a (2 x n) array.
ArgumentException If input argument positions has more than two dimensions.
ArgumentException If input argument baseline has the wrong size.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]


Creation of an FillArea object

private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // create data
    Array<float> positions = tosingle(linspace(0, 2 * pi, 100));
    positions[1,full] = sin(positions[0,full]);
    // create plot cube
    var myPlotCube = ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new PlotCube());
    // create an FillArea object
    var myFillArea = myPlotCube.Add(new FillArea(positions));
    // modify data
    positions = -2 + positions;
    // modify exisiting FillArea object
    myFillArea.Update(positions, -1);
    myFillArea.Fill.Color = Color.SeaGreen;
    myFillArea.Border.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
    myFillArea.Border.Width = 2;
See Also
