ILNumerics Ultimate VS

ExtensionMethodsallIndT Method (ConcreteArraySByte, ArraySByte, InArraySByte, OutArraySByte, RetArraySByte, StorageSByte, BaseArrayIndT, Boolean)

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
[numpy API] Tests for all elements of A along specific dimensions being non-zero.

[ILNumerics numpy Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics
Assembly:  ILNumerics.numpy (in ILNumerics.numpy.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public static RetLogical all<IndT>(
	this ConcreteArray<sbyte, Array<sbyte>, InArray<sbyte>, OutArray<sbyte>, RetArray<sbyte>, Storage<sbyte>> A,
	BaseArray<IndT> axes = null,
	bool keepdims = false
where IndT : struct, new(), IConvertible


Type: ILNumerics.Core.ArraysConcreteArraySByte, ArraySByte, InArraySByte, OutArraySByte, RetArraySByte, StorageSByte
The source array. This will not be altered.
axes (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsBaseArrayIndT
[Optional] Dimensions of A to work along. Default: (null) considers all elements of A, reducing to a scalar.
keepdims (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
[Optional] accumulated dimensions remain in the resulting array. Default: (false) accumulated singleton dimensions are removed.

Type Parameters

Element type for axes parameter. Must be numeric.

Return Value

Type: RetLogical
A logical array with the same shape of A, except dimensions listed in 'axes' which are reduced / expanded to length 1.

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type ConcreteArraySByte, ArraySByte, InArraySByte, OutArraySByte, RetArraySByte, StorageSByte. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).

ArgumentExceptionif elements of axes are smaller than -A.S.NumberOfDimensions or larger or equal to A.S.NumberOfDimensions.

All dimension indices in axes must be a valid, non-virtual dimension index from A.

Elements of axes may be negative. Corresponding dimension indices are considered as counting from the end of the range of existing dimensions in A.

Empty arrays A produce a scalar array with the default element value for the element data type (false).

Depending on the value of keepdims the array returned will have the same number of dimensions as A (keepdims = true) or with a number of dimensions according to MinNumberOfArrayDimensions.

[ILNumerics numpy Module]

See Also
