ILNumerics Ultimate VS

H5Dataset Constructor

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Creates a new dataset. Optionally define additional parameters.

[ILNumerics HDF5 Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.IO.HDF5
Assembly:  ILNumerics.IO.HDF5 (in ILNumerics.IO.HDF5.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public H5Dataset(
	string name,
	BaseArray data,
	InArray<long> maxdims = null,
	Object fillValue = null,
	Type datatype = null,
	H5Compression compression = H5Compression.None,
	uint compParameter = 8


Type: SystemString
The name for the dataset
Type: ILNumericsBaseArray
Initial data to be stored into the dataset. This will define and fix the chunk size used!
maxdims (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArrayInt64
[Optional] Maximum length of individual dimensions in data. Default: null (unlimited dimension lengths).
fillValue (Optional)
Type: SystemObject
[Optional] Fill value used when expanding the dataset; Default: default value for the datatype is determined by the HDF5 libary.
datatype (Optional)
Type: SystemType
[Optional] The datatype for the elements of the new dataset. Default: null (according to data).
compression (Optional)
Type: ILNumerics.IO.HDF5H5Compression
[Optional] Compression method used for the dataset; Default: None.
compParameter (Optional)
Type: SystemUInt32
[Optional] Additional parameter used for the configuration of the compression; specific for each compression method. Ignored if compression is None. Default: 8

The dataset is only created in memory. Its creation in a file is delayed until the dataset is added to a group attached to the file.


using (var f = new H5File(fname)) {
                // create new dataset with the name "uniqueName", provide initial data and add to root group
                f.Add(new H5Dataset("uniqueName",ILMath.ones(10,20)); 

Datasets in ILNumerics are always created chunked! The chunk size is implicitly derived from the initial data used.

If a fillValue is given, its type must match the element type of data. If the type of fillValue does not match the element type, the behavior is undefined. Default values given by HDF5 will usually create 0 (zero) for all elementary scalar value datatypes.

[ILNumerics HDF5 Module]

See Also
