ILNumerics Ultimate VS

H5StringDatasetGet Method (BaseArray)

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Retrieve (sub-)array of strings from dataset.

[ILNumerics HDF5 Module]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.IO.HDF5
Assembly:  ILNumerics.IO.HDF5 (in ILNumerics.IO.HDF5.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public RetArray<string> Get(
	params BaseArray[] range


Type: ILNumericsBaseArray
[Optional] Subarray range specification.

Return Value

Type: RetArrayString
Array of strings with a size determined by range.

This function is used to retrieve an array from the dataset or parts of the dataset. The range parameter is used to define the range to request. If range is ommited or null, the whole dataset is retrieved and its data are returned as ILNumerics array of strings.

As range parameter all options for addressing subarrays from Arrays are allowed. This includes any combination of ranged dimension specifiers, stepped ranges (increasing or decreasing), combined dimension specifiers and sequential indices. If range contains a single numeric array of arbitrary shape, its elements are interpreted as sequential indices into the dataset. Read all details about subarray addressing options in the ILNumerics Subarray Tutorial.

A note on performance: ILNumerics uses hyperslab selections from HDF5 in order to retrieve subarrays from datasets. This allows one to read parts of the dataset without accessing the whole dataset. For large datasets using hyperslab selections can drastically reduce the memory requirements and therefore improve the performance of the retrieval.

In order to use the hyperslab feature of HDF5, no actions are neccessary from the ILNumerics side. ILNumerics automatically translates the subarray specification given by range into corresponding hyperslab selections. However, since the way hyperslabs work is not 100% compatible with ILNumerics' subarray features, the conversion and highly efficient subarry access is only possible for certain subarray range specifications. See the ILNumerics HDF5 online manual for a comprehensive list of all conditions.

The strings will be returned with a padding corresponding to NULLTERM. See [!:Get(StringPadding?, BaseArray[])] in order to control how to handle with padded characters for fixed length strings in the returned result.

[ILNumerics HDF5 Module]

See Also


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