ILNumerics Ultimate VS

GroupTimeoutAware Property

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Sets if this group and all children are sensible for timeouts during rendering or gets that flag. Default: null -> derive from parent

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Drawing
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Drawing (in ILNumerics.Drawing.dll) Version: ILNumerics Ultimate VS 4

public Nullable<bool> TimeoutAware { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: NullableBoolean

Commonly, the rendering of any nodes in a scene is cancelled once a timeout was set and the rendering took too long. However, it is possible to exclude some nodes / subtrees from the cancellation by setting this flag to false on the root of the nodes to exclude. All children below the group having this flag set to false will render regardless of a timeout occoured.

By default, this flag is null, which means that the value if derived from the parent node.

Use with care! When used too excessively on large nodes, obviously, the rendering cannot timeout successfully (in time) which may cause UI to become less responsive. This flag is usually utilized on small nodes or individual labels only. The label which informs the user of a timeout is one example.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

See Also
