ILNumerics Ultimate VS

SurfaceColors Property

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Gets the coloring values for this surface or sets them

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Drawing (in ILNumerics.Drawing.dll) Version: ILNumerics Ultimate VS 4

public RetArray<float> Colors { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: RetArraySingle

The color array returned on get access and the one expected on set access contain coloring information for every grid point of the surface. The array has the size [m x n x 4] or [m x n x 1], where m and n are the number of rows and columns of the surface grid. The size of the 3rd dimension determines the coloring mode of the surface:

  • Providing an array of the size [m x n x 4] will set the surface in RGBA mode. Individual RBGA tuples are expected for each grid point. The surface will have lighting enabled and the colorbar / colormap will get disabled.
  • Providing a matrix of size [m x n] or [m x n x 1] will set the surface in colormapped mode. Values are taken as references into the current colormap. If later the current colormap is changed, the resulting colors will change as well. Values of the matrix are mapped onto the colorrange of the current colormap. DataRange is not changed and used to adjust the data range used for mapping. Lighting will be disabled.
  • Providing an empty array will cause the surface to switch to solid coloring. Neither the colormap nor individual color values are used for coloring the surface. The colors of the Fill area and the Wireframe still can individually get configured by accessing its individual Color or Colors properties. Lighting will be enabled, the colormap will be disabled.

The array returned on get access reflects the state of the surface. In RGBA mode, the array reflects the data stored in the vertex colors buffer of the shapes. In colormapped mode the value reflects the indices data used to map the grid points to the current colormap.

The array returned cannot be used to alter the data in the buffers directly. In order to alter the surface data, one must query the complete data set, do all modifications on the array returned and store the full array back by using the set accessor.

Assigning data to the Colors property is a buffer changing operation. Therefore, one must call the derived Configure(Boolean, Boolean) on the group node or any group node above in order to populate changes made to the rendering output.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

See Also
