ILNumerics Ultimate VS

Quaternion Properties

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development

The Quaternion type exposes the following members.


Public propertyLength
Gets the length (magnitude) of the quaternion.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyLengthSquared
Gets the square of the quaternion length (magnitude).

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyW
Gets or sets the W component of this instance.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyX
Gets or sets the X component of this instance.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyXyz
Gets or sets a Vector3 with the X, Y and Z components of this instance.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyY
Gets or sets the Y component of this instance.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public propertyZ
Gets or sets the Z component of this instance.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

See Also
