ILNumerics Ultimate VS

Node Events

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development

The Node type exposes the following members.


Public eventDisposing
Fires, before the node is getting disposed

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseClick
Fires when the object is clicked

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseDoubleClick
Fires when the object was double clicked

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseDown
Fires when a mouse button was pressed over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseEnter
Fires when the mouse enters the object region

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseLeave
Fires when the mouse leaves the object region

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseMove
Fires when the mouse was moved over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseUp
Fires when a mouse button was released over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventMouseWheel
Fires when the mouse wheel was moved over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

Public eventPropertyChanged
Fires on any property state changes

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

See Also
