ILNumerics Ultimate VS

PlotCube Fields

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development

The PlotCube type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberCameraDefaultTag
Default tag for the camera node
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTag
Default tag for the plot box group node itself
Protected fieldm_allowPan
Boolean variable that is true, if panning is allowed, defautl: true.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_allowRotation
Boolean variable that is true, if rotating is allowed, default: true:
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_allowZoom
Boolean variable that is true, if zooming is allowed, default: true.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_animations (Inherited from Group.)
Protected fieldm_aspectRatioMode
The current aspect ratio mode.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_children (Inherited from Group.)
Protected fieldm_isGlobal
Flag identifying the visibility scope of this camera.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_mouseStartF
The coordinates where the mouse started a dragging operation.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Protected fieldm_timeoutAware (Inherited from Group.)
Protected fieldm_zoomFactor
Zoom factor, default: 1.
(Inherited from Camera.)
Public fieldStatic memberMinZoomDragLimit
Get the mouse position distance threshold in pixels before a drag operation is triggered
See Also
