ILNumerics Ultimate VS

FastSurfaceUpdate Method

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
Configure/ change/ update the surface data.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Namespace:  ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2 (in ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public void Update(
	InArray<float> X = null,
	InArray<float> Y = null,
	InArray<float> Z = null,
	InArray<float> C = null,
	Colormap colormap = null,
	Tuple<float, float> minmaxColorRange = null,
	Nullable<Vector3> minLimit = null,
	Nullable<Vector3> maxLimit = null,
	bool performDownscaling = false


X (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArraySingle
[Optional] X coordinates. Grid vector or meshgrid result. Default (null): do not change.
Y (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArraySingle
[Optional] Y coordinates. Grid vector or meshgrid result. Default (null): do not change.
Z (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArraySingle
[Optional] Matrix of new Z values. Default (null): do not change.
C (Optional)
Type: ILNumericsInArraySingle
[Optional] Matrix with new color data for mapping with colormap. Default (null): do not change.
colormap (Optional)
Type: ILNumerics.Drawing.PlottingColormap
[Optional] Colormap used to map C or Z values to rendering colors. Default (null): ILNumerics.
minmaxColorRange (Optional)
Type: SystemTupleSingle, Single
[Optional] Range of values for deriving the colors from the colormap. Default (null): min / max value from Z / C.
minLimit (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableVector3
[Optional] Minimum point of the new bounding box. Default (null): compute from given arguments.
maxLimit (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableVector3
[Optional] Maximum point of the new bounding box. Default (null): compute from given arguments.
performDownscaling (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
[Optional] [Experimental phase] Set this parameter to true and too large data will be downscaled according to the current view. Default: false

ArgumentException if the shape of any positional parameter provided or C is invalid / not consistent with other parameters. Inspect exception message for details.

All parameters are optional.

The grid size and position is determined by (in this order): Z, X, Y or C parameters. If none of these parameters are given, the existing grid of the surface will not change. If any of Z, X, Y, and/or C are provided, they must all have the same size. Alternatively, either one of them can be a scalar. The scalar value will be used for all grid points in this case.

Either of Z, X, Y or C must be given at least once in order to specify the intial shape of the surface. The minimal grid size of a surface is 2 x 2, hence the matrices provided must have not less than 2 elements in columns and rows.

The size of the grid can be redefined at any time by providing different Z, X, Y or C parameters.

X and Y can be grid vectors with the coordinates in the corresponding dimension of the grid points. Alternatively, they can be the output of meshgrid(InArrayDouble, InArrayDouble, OutArrayDouble), i.e.: the X and Y coordinates of all grid points. In this case, the given array must match the shape of Z and/or C respectively.

As a special case, either of the size defining parameters Z, X, Y or C can be a scalar. Its value is then used for all grid points. In this case, the size of the grid must have been specified already (by a former call to Update()) or must be defined by other, non-scalar parameters.

Surfaces require at least 2 rows and 2 columns.

Changing the grid size will set any non-specified parameter to its default values.

The minLimit and maxLimit properties can optionally be used to save the computational efforts of determining the new bounding box limits after the update was completed. If the nature of the new data is sufficiently known, providing these limits will further speed up the refreshing of the surface.

Calling this method potentially triggers PropertyChanged events on the following properties: Rows, Columns, MinMaxColorRange, Colormap, Fill.

Auto Downscaling: This option is still in the experimental phase. Only by setting the input parameter performDownscaling to true, this option is selected. The default value is set to false, this way the original version of FastSurface() is applied.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

See Also
