Smooth Data Surface (WPF / .NET 5.0)

SmoothSurface from the Visualization Extensions Toolbox [ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2] allows to visualize scattered data points very easily. The resolution of the interpolated grid and the smoothness factor are configured independently.
This example utilizes ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting.SmoothSurface (Drawing Extensions Toolbox) via WPF in a .NET 5.0 project. It demonstrates the general setup of ILNumerics.Drawing.Panel in a .NET 5.0 WPF app, utilizing WindowsFormsHost.
Hint: if you experiencing problems during compile, telling you that the WindowsFormsHost was not found, you may want to add the 'UseWindowsForms' tag to your csproj file. See:
See also: Online documentation: SmoothSurface [Vizualization Extensions Toolbox]
Last modified: August 25 2021 18:29