ILNumerics Ultimate VS

BarPlotEx Class

ILNumerics Ultimate VS Documentation
ILNumerics - Technical Application Development
The class creates a colormapped 3D bar surface plot object.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting
Assembly:  ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2 (in ILNumerics.Toolboxes.Drawing2.dll) Version: (5.5.7503.3146)

public class BarPlotEx : Group, IColormapProvider, 

The BarPlotEx type exposes the following members.


Public methodCode exampleBarPlotEx(InArrayDouble, InArrayDouble, InArrayDouble, Colormap, Object)
Creates a new colormapped bar plot, provide Z values, X and Y ranges arrays.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public methodCode exampleBarPlotEx(InArraySingle, InArraySingle, InArraySingle, Colormap, Object)
Creates a new colormapped bar plot, provide Z values, X and Y ranges arrays.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]


Public propertyAlpha
Alpha value, range [0...1], if set, this value modifies the alpha values for ALL nodes of this subtree. Use for blend effects only!

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyAnimations (Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyBarWidth
Gets or sets the bar width.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyBaseValue
Get or sets the location for the baseline.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyBorder
Gets access to the border line shape of the bar plot [readonly].

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyChildren
Collection of child for this group

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyClipping
Gets all 6 available clipping planes for the group or sets it. Null: derive clipping from parent node (default)

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyColormap
Gets the colormap used for coloring or sets it

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyColorMode
Gets or sets the selected coloring mode for bar plot.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyColorOverride
If set, this color will override all individual colors in this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyFill
Gets access to the triangles shape used for rendering the bars fill area [readonly].

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyID
Unique ID for the node within the scene

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyIsColormapped
Returns true or false if colormap is used for bars coloring.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Protected propertyIsSynchedNode (Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyMarkable
Determines, if this node can be marked by the user

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyMarked
Marked state for the node

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyParent
Get the parent of this node or null, if this node is a root node

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyPickingID
If set to a valid shape ID, that shape will be marked in picking operations insted of this shape.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Protected propertySynchedVersion
The version of the sync source from the last synchronization.

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyTag
Object tag used to identify the node within the scene

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyTarget
If set, determines the target for rendering: world (3D) or screen (2D) on top. Default: not set (derive from parent)

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyTimeoutAware
Sets if this group and all children are sensible for timeouts during rendering or gets that flag. Default: null -> derive from parent

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyTransform
[4x4] matrix with the affine transforms which this node applies to all children

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public propertyUseLighting
Determines, if the bar plot utilizes lighting. By default is set to false.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public propertyVersion
Modification version of this node, gets incremented at every change

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyVisible
Determines, if this node is visible or sets the visible state

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)

Public methodAdd(Node)
Add a node to the end of this groups child collection

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodAddT(T, Object, Boolean)
Add a node to the end of this groups child collection

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Protected methodBeginVisit
pushes the transform, alpha and color overrides of this node to the render parameter stack

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodConfigure
In any event of change, this this method is called to update BarPlotEx.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

(Overrides GroupConfigure(Boolean, Boolean).)
Public methodCopy
Creates a copy of BarPlotEx.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

(Overrides GroupCopy.)
Protected methodCreateSynchedCopy
Creates a synchronized copy of BarPlotEx.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

(Overrides GroupCreateSynchedCopy(Node).)
Public methodDetach
Detach all shapes from this subtree for individual configurations

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodDispose
Dispose the complete subtree (this is rarely needed)

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Protected methodEndVisit
pops the render parameter from render parameter stack

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodFind(Object, NullablePrimitives)
Searches the subtree for nodes with matching tag and (optional) primitive type

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodFindT(Object, PredicateT)
Searches the subtree for all nodes with matching criteria

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodFindByIdT
Finds a typed node in this subtree, filter by ID

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodFirstT
Gets first node with matching criteria from subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodFirstUpT
Finds a group node on the path up to root

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodGetEnumerator (Inherited from Group.)
Public methodGetLimits
Compute the 3D limits (extent) of this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Protected methodgetLimitsInternal (Inherited from Group.)
Public methodGetRangeMaxValue
Returns the maximum Z value.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public methodGetRangeMinValue
Returns the minimum Z value.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public methodInsertT
Insert a node into the child collection at predefined index

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Protected methodOnDisposing (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseClick (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseDown (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseEnter (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseLeave (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseMove (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseUp (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnMouseWheel (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseClick (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseDown (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseEnter (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseLeave (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseMove (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseUp (Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodRaiseMouseWheel (Inherited from Node.)
Public methodRemove
Remove a node from this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodRotate(Quaternion)
Rotate this subtree by quaternion

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodRotate(Vector3, Double)
Rotate this subtree by rotation axis and angle

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodRotate(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Rotate this subtree by rotation axis and angle

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodScale(Vector3)
Scales this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodScale(Double, Double, Double)
Scales this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodScaleMode
Returns the scale mode of the axis.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public methodSynchronize
Synchronizes the synchronized copy of BarPlotEx.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

(Overrides GroupSynchronize(Node, SyncParams).)
Protected methodSynchronizeChildren (Inherited from Group.)
Public methodToString
String representation of the group node

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodTranslate(Vector3)
Translates this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodTranslate(Double, Double, Double)
Translates this subtree

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Group.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdate(InArrayDouble, InArrayDouble, InArrayDouble)
Method updates key values of each bar in bar plot.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Public methodCode exampleUpdate(InArraySingle, InArraySingle, InArraySingle)
Method updates key values of each bar in bar plot.

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

Protected methodVisitInternal (Inherited from Group.)

Public eventDisposing
Fires, before the node is getting disposed

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseClick
Fires when the object is clicked

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseDoubleClick
Fires when the object was double clicked

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseDown
Fires when a mouse button was pressed over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseEnter
Fires when the mouse enters the object region

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseLeave
Fires when the mouse leaves the object region

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseMove
Fires when the mouse was moved over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseUp
Fires when a mouse button was released over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventMouseWheel
Fires when the mouse wheel was moved over the object

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Fires on any property state changes

[ILNumerics Visualization Engine]

(Inherited from Node.)

Public fieldStatic memberBarPlotExFillTag
Tag identifying all bar plot's bar's fill's triangle shapes within the scene graph.
Public fieldStatic memberBarPlotExTag
Tag identifying all bar plot objects within the scene graph
Public fieldStatic memberBarPlotExWireframeTag
Tag identifying all bar plot's bar's border's lines within the scene graph.
Protected fieldm_animations (Inherited from Group.)
Protected fieldm_children (Inherited from Group.)
Protected fieldm_timeoutAware (Inherited from Group.)

[ILNumerics Drawing2 Toolbox]

See Also
