Tag Archives: function rule

Large Object Heap Compaction – on Demand ??

In the 4.5.1 side-by-side update of the .NET framework a new feature has been introduced, which will really remove one annoyance for us: Edit & Continue for 64 bit debugging targets. That is really a nice one! Thanks a million, dear fellows in “the corp”!

Another useful one: One can now investigate the return value of functions during a debug session.

Now, while both features will certainly help to create better applications by helping you to get through your debug session more quickly and conveniently, another feature was introduced, which deserves a more critical look: now, there exist an option to explicitly compact the large object heap (LOH) during garbage collections. MSDN says:

If you assign the property a value of GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce, the LOH is compacted during the next full blocking garbage collection, and the property value is reset to GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.Default.

Hm… They state further:

You can compact the LOH immediately by using code like the following:

GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;

Ok. Now, it looks like there has been quite some demand for ‘a’ solution for a serious problem: LOH fragmentation. This basically happens all the time when large objects are created within your applications and relased and created again and released… you get the point: disadvantageous allocation pattern with ‘large’ objects will almost certainly lead to holes in the heap due to reclaimed objects, which are no longer there, but other objects still resisting in the corresponding chunk, so the chunk is not given back to the memory manager and OutOfMemoryExceptions are thrown rather early …

If all this sounds new and confusing to you – no wonder! This is probably, because you are using ILNumerics :) Its memory management prevents you reliably from having to deal with these issues. How? Heap fragmentation is caused by garbage. And the best way to handle garbage is to prevent from it, right? This is especially true for large objects and the .NET framework. And how would one prevent from garbage? By reusing your plastic bags until they start disintegrating and your eggs get in danger of falling through (and switching to a solid basket afterwards, I guess).

In terms of computers this means: reuse your memory instead of throwing it away! Especially for large objects this puts way too much pressure on the garbage collector and at the end it doesn’t even help, because there is still fragmentation going on on the heap. For ‘reusing’ we must save the memory (i.e. large arrays in our case) somewhere. This directly leads to a pooling strategy: once an ILArray is not used anymore – its storage is kept safe in a pool and used for the next ILArray.

That way, no fragmentation occurs! And just as in real life – keeping the environment clean gives you even more advantages. It helps the caches by presenting recently used memory and it protects the application from having to waste half the execution time in the GC. Luckily, the whole pooling in ILNumerics works completely transparent in the back. There is nothing one needs to do in order to gain all advantages, except following the simple rules of writing ILNumerics functions. ILNumerics keeps track of the lifetime of the arrays, safes their underlying System.Arrays in the ILNumerics memory pool, and finds and returns any suitable array for the next computation from here.

The pool is smart enough to learn what ‘suitable’ means: if no array is available with the exact length as requested, a next larger array will do just as well:

public ILRetArray CreateSymm(int m, int n) {
    using (ILScope.Enter()) {
        ILArray A = rand(m,n); 
        // some very complicated stuff here...
        A = A * A + 2.3; 
        return multiply(A,A.T);

// use this function without worrying about your heap!
while (true) {
   dosomethingWithABigMatrix(CreateSymm(1000,2000)); // one can even vary the sizes here!
   // at this point, your heap is clean ! No fragmentation! No GC gen.2 collections ! 

Keep in mind, the next time you encounter an unexpected OutOfMemoryException, you can either go out and try to make use of that obscure GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode property, or … simply start using ILNumerics and forget about that problem at least.

Using ILArray as Class Attributes

Update: Information in this article relates to older versions of ILNumerics. For version 5 and later updated information is found here: https://ilnumerics.net/ClassRules.html.

A lot of people are confused about how to use ILArray as class member variables. The documentation is really sparse on this topic. So let’s get into it!

Take the following naive approach:

class Test {

    ILArray<double> m_a;

    public Test() {
        using (ILScope.Enter()) {
            m_a = ILMath.rand(100, 100);

    public void Do() {
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("m_a:" + m_a.ToString());


If we run this:

    Test t = new Test();

… we get … an exception :( Why that?

ILNumerics Arrays as Class Attributes

We start with the rules and explain the reasons later.

  1. If an ILNumerics array is used as class member, it must be a local ILNumerics array: ILArray<T>
  2. Initialization of those types must utilize a special function: ILMath.localMember<T>
  3. Assignments to the local variable must utilize the .a property (.Assign() function in VB)
  4. Classes with local array members should implement the IDisposable interface.
  5. UPDATE: it is recommended to mark all ILArray local members as readonly

By applying the rules 1..3, the corrected example displays:

class Test {

    ILArray<double> m_a = ILMath.localMember<double>();

    public Test() {
        using (ILScope.Enter()) {
            m_a.a = ILMath.rand(100,100);

    public void Do() {
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("m_a:" + m_a.ToString());


This time, we get, as expected:

m_a:<Double> [100,100]
   0,50272    0,21398    0,66289    0,75169    0,64011    0,68948    0,67187    0,32454    0,75637    0,07517    0,70919    0,71990    0,90485    0,79115    0,06920    0,21873    0,10221 ...
   0,73964    0,61959    0,60884    0,59152    0,27218    0,31629    0,97323    0,61203    0,31014    0,72146    0,55119    0,43210    0,13197    0,41965    0,48213    0,39704    0,68682 ...
   0,41224    0,47684    0,33983    0,16917    0,11035    0,19571    0,28410    0,70209    0,36965    0,84124    0,13361    0,39570    0,56504    0,94230    0,70813    0,24816    0,86502 ...
   0,85803    0,13391    0,87444    0,77514    0,78207    0,42969    0,16267    0,19860    0,32069    0,41191    0,19634    0,14786    0,13823    0,55875    0,87828    0,98742    0,04404 ...
   0,70365    0,52921    0,22790    0,34812    0,44606    0,96938    0,05116    0,84701    0,89024    0,73485    0,67458    0,26132    0,73829    0,10154    0,26001    0,60780    0,01866 ...

If you came to this post while looking for a short solution to an actual problem, you may stop reading here. The scheme will work out fine, if the rules above are blindly followed. However, for the interested user, we’ll dive into the dirty details next.

Some unimportant Details

Now, let’s inspect the reasons behind. They are somehow complex and most users can silently ignore them. But here they are:

The first rule is easy. Why should one use anything else than a local array? So lets step to rule two:

  • Initialization of those types must utilize a special function: ILMath.localMember<T>

A fundamental mechanism of the ILNumerics memory management is related to the associated livetime of certain array types. All functions return temporary arrays (ILRetArray<T>) which do only live for exactly one use. After the first use, they get disposed off automatically. In order to make use of such arrays multiple times, one needs to assign them to a local variable. This is the place, where they get converted and the underlying storage is taken for the local, persistent array variable.

At the same time, we need to make sure, the array is released after the current ILNumerics scope (using (ILScope.Enter())) { … }) was left. Thereforem the conversion to a local array is used. During the conversion, since we know, there is going to be a new array out there, we track the new array for later disposal in the current scope.

If the scope is left, it does exactly what it promises: it disposes off all arrays created since its creation. Now, local array members require a different behavior. They commonly live for the livetime of the class – not of the current ILNumerics scope. In order to prevent the local array to get cleaned up after the scope in the constructor body was left, we need something else.

The ILMath.localMember() function is the only exception to the rule. It is the only function, which does not return a temporary array, but a local array. In fact, the function is more than simple. All it does, is to create a new ILArray<T> and return that. Since bothe types of both sides of the assignment match, no conversion is necessary and the new array is not registered in the current scope, hence it is not disposed off – just what we need!

What, if we have to assign the return value from any function to the local array? Here, the next rule jumps in:

  • Assignments to the local variable must utilize the .a property (.Assign() function in VB)

Assigning to a local array directly would activate the disposal mechanism described above. Hence, in order to prevent this for a longer living class attribute, one needs to assign to the variable via the .a property. In Visual Basic, the .Assign() function does the same. This will prevent the array from getting registered into the scope.

Example ILNumerics Array Utilization Class

Now, that we archieved to prevent our local array attribute from getting disposed off magically, we – for the sake of completeness – should make sure, it gets disposed somewhere. The recommended way of disposing off things in .NET is … the IDisposal interface. In fact, for most scenarios, IDisposal is not necessary. The array would freed, once the application is shut down. But we recommend implementing IDisposable, since it makes a lot of things more consistent and error safe. However, we provide the IDisposable interface for convenience reasons only – we do not rely on it like we would for the disposal of unmanaged ressources. Therefore, a simplified version is sufficient here and we can omit the finalizer method for the class.

Here comes the full test class example, having all rules implemented:

class Test : IDisposable {
    // declare local array attribute as ILArray<T>,
    // initialize with ILMath.localMember<T>()!
    readonly ILArray<double> m_a = ILMath.localMember<double>();

    public Test() {
        using (ILScope.Enter()) {
            // assign via .a property only!
            m_a.a = ILMath.rand(100,100);

    public void Do() {
        // assign via .a property only!
        m_a.a = m_a + 2; 

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("m_a:" + m_a.ToString());

    #region IDisposable Members
    // implement IDisposable for the class for transparent
    // clean up by the user of the class. This is for con-
    // venience only. No harm is done by ommitting the
    // call to Dispose().
    public void Dispose() {
        // simplified disposal pattern: we allow
        // calling dispose multiple times or not at all.
        if (!ILMath.isnull(m_a)) {


For the user of your class, this brings one big advantage: she can – without knowing the details – clean up its storage easily.

    using (Test t = new Test()) {

@UPDATE: by declaring your ILArray members as readonly one gains the convenience that the compiler will prevent you from accidentally assigning to the member somewhere in the code. The other rules must still be fullfilled. But by only using readonly ILArray<T> the rest is almost automatically.

ILArray, Properties and Lazy Initialization

@UPDATE2: Another common usage pattern for local class attributes is to delay the initialization to the first use. Let’s say, an attribute requires costly computations but is not needed always. One would usually create a property and compute the attribute value only in the get accessor:

class Class {

    // attribute, initialization is done in the property get accessor
    Tuple<int> m_a;

    public Tuple<int> A {
        get {
            if (m_a == null) {
                m_a = Tuple.Create(1);  // your costly initialization here
            return m_a;
        set { m_a = value }

How does this scheme go along with ILNumerics’ ILArray? Pretty well:

class Class1 : ILMath, IDisposable {

    readonly ILArray<double> m_a = localMember<double>();

    public ILRetArray<double> A {
        get {
            if (isempty(m_a)) {
                m_a.a = rand(1000, 2000); // your costly initialization here
            return m_a; // this will only return a lazy copy to the caller!
        set {
            m_a.a = value;

    public void Dispose() {
        // ... common dispose implementation

Instead of checking for null in the get accessor, we simply check for an empty array. Alternatively you may initialize the attribute with some marking value in the constructor. NaN, MinValue, 0 might be good candidates.

Why the ‘var’ keyword is not allowed in ILNumerics

One of the rules related to the new ILNumerics memory management, which potentially causes issues, is not to use the var keyword of C#. In Visual Basic, similar functionality is available by ommiting the explicit type declarations for array types.

ILArray<double> A = rand(5,4,3); // explicit array type declaration required
var B = rand(5,4,3); // NOT ALLOWED!

Lets take a look at the reasons, why this – otherwise convenient – language feature is not allowed in conjunction with array declarations. In order to make this clear, a little survey into the internals of the ILNumerics memory management is needed.

In ILNumerics, local arrays are of one of the types ILArray<T>, ILLogicalArray, ILCell. Those array types are one building block of the memory managemt in ILNumerics. By using one of those array types in a function, one can be sure, to keep the array alive and available as long as the function is not left. On the other hand – as soon as the function was left, the array will be recycled immediately.

Other array types exist in ILNumerics. They serve different purposes regarding their lifetime and mutability. Input arrays like ILInArray<T> f.e., make sure, arrays given as function parameters are unable to get altered.

Another important type is the return type of any function. Every function, property or operator in ILNumerics returns arrays of either ILRetArray<T>, ILRetLogical or ILRetCell. Return arrays are volatile or temporary arrays. Their use is restricted to exactly one time. After the first use, return arrays are disposed immediately. For expressions like the following, this behavior drastically increases memory efficiency:


Assuming A to be a (rather large) array, 7 temporary memory storages of the size of A would be necessary in order to evaluate the whole expression. But if we take the above assumption regarding the lifetime of return arrays into account, that number is reduced to at most 2 temporary arrays. The reason: A * pi needs one storage for the result: Result1. It is than used to compute [Result1] / 2. Here, another storage is needed for the new result: Result2. At the end of the division operation, [Result1] has already been used for the first time. Since it is a Return Type, it is released and its storage recycled. For the next calculation [Result2] + t, the storage from [Result1] is already found in the memory pool of ILNumerics. Therefore, no new storage is needed and both temporary storages are alternatingly used for the subsequent evaluations.

Lets assume, the expression above does only make sense, if we can retrieve the result and use it in subsequent expressions inside our function. The most common case would be to assign the result to a local variable. Now, we get close to the interesting part: If we would allow the var keyword to be used, C# would generate a local variable B of type ILRetArray<double>:

var B = abs(pow(cos(A*pi/2+t),2);    // now B is of type ILRetArray<double> !

Console.Out.Write(B.ToString());    //<-- fails! 

Besides the fact, that this would conflict with the function rules of ILNumerics (local array types must be of ILArray<T> or similar), B could only be used for exactly one time! In the example, B.Length does execute normaly. After that statement, B gets disposed. Therefore, the statement B.ToString() will already fail. This is, why var is not permitted.

By explicitely declaring the local array type, the compiler will use implicit type conversions in order to convert a return array to a local array, which is than available for the rest of the function block:

// this code is correct
ILArray<double> B = abs(pow(cos(A*pi/2+t),2);    // now B is of type ILArray<double> !

Console.Out.Write(B.ToString());    // works as expected

See: General Rules for ILNumerics, Function Rules