Tag Archives: FFT

High Performance Fast Fourier Transformation in .NET

„I started using ILNumerics for the FFT routines. The quality and speed are excellent in a .NET environment.“

The Fourier Transform (named after French mathematician and physicist Joseph Fourier) allows scientists to transform signals between time domain and frequency domain. This way, an arbitrary periodic function can be expressed as a sum of cosine terms. Think of the equalizer of your mp3-player: It expresses your music’s signal in terms of the frequencies it is composed of.

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an algorithm for the rapid computation of discrete Fourier Transforms’ values. Being one of the most popular numerical algorithms, it is used in physics, engineering, math and many other domains.

In terms of software engineering, the Fast Fourier Transform is a very demanding algorithm: In the .NET-framework, a naive approach would cause very low execution speeds. That’s the reason why many .NET-developers have to implement native C-libraries when it comes to FFTs.

ILNumerics uses Intel’s® MKL for Fast Fourier Transforms: That’s why our users don’t have to implement native library’s themselves for high performance FFTs. No matter if they have a scientific or an industrial background, many developers rely on ILNumerics because of its implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform. It’s the fastest you can get today – even for big amounts of data.

ILNumerics provides interfaces to forward and backward Fourier Transformations, for real and complex floating point data, in single and double precision, in one, two or n dimensions. In addition to the MKL’s FFTs, prepared interfaces for FFTW and for AMDs ACML exist.

Learn more about the ILNumerics library and its implementation of Fast Fourier Transformation in C#/.NET in the online documentation!