ILNumerics® Support Services
Having a problem? Can't figure out some special solution? Ask an expert! We provide free support tickets for technical support directly from ILNumerics experts for Corporate users under Maintenance Subscription. Additional tickets can be purchased from your account online.
In this section:
- How to properly ask for help
- How to open a support ticket
- What is covered by a support ticket?
- Common licensing problems
- Other places of help
Asking properly - Shortcut to good Answers
Help us helping you! We want to provide you with good answers and solutions as quickly as possible. You can support us in doing so! Your problem report / question should optimally contain this information:
- English or German: Please send your question in one of these languages.
- Your license key. The key was sent to you by email / is found in your invoice.
- Information about version and edition of ILNumerics.
- Information about version and edition of your IDE.
- System information. You can obtain these information via "Run" - "msinfo32.exe". Make a screenshot or printout or simply provide at least the following data:
- Operating System Name and Version
- Processor Type
- RAM size installed
- System Type (32 / 64 bit)
- ALL display adapters installed: Name and Description (from the 'Component' / 'Display' Section, for problems related to visualization only)
- Version of .NET CLR used (the target selected for your application)
- If you encounter any problems during the execution of your program / ILNumerics, attach the complete application trace log. When run in Visual Studio you can obtain a printout of the trace log generated by ILNumerics very easily: The log is written in the Output tool window. Alternatively you can add a trace listener to your code and let the trace info get written into a text file:
- If you have problems installing ILNumerics, consider upgrading to version 6 or higher. Up from version 6 there is no installation required anymore. If you have to stay on a pre-6 version, let us know within your ticket description.
- For licensing problems provide a complete build log:
- Select "Detailed" log verbosity level (Visual Studio: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build & Run). Make sure to select the level for the Output window log.
- Make sure the build log originates from an actual compiling build! Rebuild your assembly or touch some code file before triggering the build. Otherwise the project might be considered 'up to-date', the compilation could be skipped and the log would be empty.
- After the build completed the build log can be copied from the Visual Studio Output window, Build tab.
- Finally, describe the problem. Be as specific and exact as possible! Start by describing the intention, desired result and describe the result obtained. Include any further information which might be related to the problem. Note the scope of a single support ticket.
- If possible, provide a running example in order for us to reproduce the problem. Include all relevant parts you have created already. But try to make the code as short as you can! Leave out any parts which are not needed for reproducing / demonstrating the problem.
- Open a support ticket (see below) and use it to send all information to us.
Open a support ticket
Login to your account using the email address and license key associated with your developer seat. The SEATS view shows your seat and associated modules and activations. Use the OPEN TICKET button to open a new support ticket. If no OPEN TICKET button is visible, ask your manager to purchase a new support ticket for your seat first.
On the OPEN SUPPORT TICKET page enter your details and the information requested above, if possible. Supplement your problem description with as much information and context as possible. At best, attach a runnable mini-example project enabling us to reproduce the problem:
What is covered by a Support Ticket?
The scope of a support ticket orients towards the common conditions offered by Microsoft and others: A ticket constitutes a single “issue”. This typically relates to a single question or a single problem which can be described and answered in a reasonable simple context.
Examples for common tickets:
- How can I control my surface X and Y axis range data?
- I want my plots to have dark background. How?
- I get an error after deploying my application when trying to run the svd() function. …
- However, a question like: “I want to display the values of my data when hovering with the mouse over a line plot and the line data should update when clicking on the annotation.” Is likely to constitute two tickets.
Note, that we do not:
- Write, debug or fix your code.
- Install third party products (except in certain special situations).
- Give specific architectural advice. (general hints are fine though, as long as it relates to ILNumerics)
Naturally, the scope is not hard fixed. And the term "reasonable simple context" is sometimes not easy to define. Therefore, you can ask us to agree upon the scope of a ticket in advance. Otherwise we will delimit too demanding questions in a reasonable manner.
Since your ticket numbers are limited, consider using the common documentation places first before wasting a support ticket for a too easy solution. Visit the online documentation, use the search function on the site and look up the object in question in the apidoc.
For common licensing problems please refer to the Licensing FAQ.
Other places of help
Still using Starter Editions? Stuck at the old Community Edition?
Be part of the community! Ask your questions on stackoverflow: our community is constantly growing. Simply use the tag 'ilnumerics' when posting your question. Please be nice, descriptive, explicit and follow the stackoverflow rules! If like it and once you have learned something upvote and mark the answers! Help other users out if you can – they will be grateful too!