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Coordinate Transforms, World -> Screen Coord Systems

For complex visualizations transforms between screen and model/world coordinates are often needed. This examples creates a simple surface plot and adds 3 rectangles to it:

  • A red rectangle is embedded into the same group as the surface. It is able to get hidden by the surface in the common way.
  • A blue rectangle uses the same (3d, world) coordinates as the red rectangle. But this time, the blue rectangle was added to a Group being configured for 'Screen2DFar' rendering. I.e.: the blue line is drawn on top of regular objects, like the surface or the red rectangle. This can be seen from the output: the blue rectangle is always completely visible. Even those parts, which would otherwise be hidden by the surface.
  • A fat yellow rectangle is used to mark the screen area of the hull of both other rectangles. Note that the yellow rectangle will always be rendered i) on top of the surface and ii) screen axis aligned – regardless of the orientation of the objects in the world coordinate system.

The example demonstrates how to transform from model view coordinate space into screen coordinate space in order to place objects in screen coordinates, with positions relating to objects in world coordinates. Since the transformation happens in the context of mouse event handlers, no rendering pipeline is available here. Hence, the collection and accumulation of the transformations from all relevant screen graph nodes must get implemented explicitly.

Start the app and rotate the scene with the mouse. Watch the area indicators (colored rectangles) change accordingly.

Transformations from screen space into model space work exactly the same: just reverse the transformation matrices in PlotCube_MouseMove.

Last modified: August 25 2021 18:29

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