Performance on ILArray

Having a convenient data structure like ILArray<T> brings many advantages when handling numerical data in your algorithms. On the convenience side, there are flexible options for creating subarrays, altering existing data (i.e. lengthening or shortening individual dimensions on the run), keeping dimensionality information together with the data, and last but not least: being able to formulate an algorithm by concentrating on the math rather than on loops and the like.

Convenience and Speed

Another advantage is performance: by writing C = A + B, with A and B being large arrays, the inner implementation is able to choose the most efficient way of evaluating this expression. Here is, what ILNumerics internally does: Continue reading Performance on ILArray

Uncommon data conversion with ILArray

ILNumerics Computing Engine supports the most common numeric data types out of the box: double, float, complex, fcomplex, byte, short, int, long, ulong

If you need to convert from, let’s say ushort to float, you will not find any prepared conversion function in ILMath. Luckily, it is very easy to write your own:

Here comes a method which implements the conversion from ushort -> float. A straight forward version first:

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert ushort data to ILArray&lt;float>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">Input Array</param>
        /// <returns>Array of the same size as A, single precision float elements</returns>
        public static ILRetArray<float> UShort2Single(ILInArray<ushort> A) {
            using (ILScope.Enter(A)) {
                ILArray<float> ret = ILMath.zeros<float>(A.S);
                var retArr = ret.GetArrayForWrite();
                var AArr = A.GetArrayForRead();
                int c = 0;
                foreach (ushort a in A) {
                    retArr[c++] = a;
                return ret;

Continue reading Uncommon data conversion with ILArray

Plotting Fun with ILNumerics and IronPython

Since the early days of IronPython, I keep shifting one bullet point down on my ToDo list:

* Evaluate options to use ILNumerics from IronPython

Several years ago there has been some attempts from ILNumerics users who successfully utilized ILNumerics from within IronPython. But despite our fascination for these attempts, we were not able to catch up and deeply evaluate all options for joining both projects. Years went by and Microsoft has dropped support for IronPython in the meantime. Nevertheless, a considerably large community seems to be active on IronPython. Finally, today is the day I am going to give this a first quick shot.

Continue reading Plotting Fun with ILNumerics and IronPython

Dark color schemes with ILPanel

I recently got a request for help in building an application, where ILPanel was supposed to create some plots with a dark background area. Dark color schemes are very popular in some industrial domains and ILNumerics’ ILPanel gives the full flexibility for supporting dark colors. Here comes a simple example:

Continue reading Dark color schemes with ILPanel

Large Object Heap Compaction – on Demand ??

In the 4.5.1 side-by-side update of the .NET framework a new feature has been introduced, which will really remove one annoyance for us: Edit & Continue for 64 bit debugging targets. That is really a nice one! Thanks a million, dear fellows in “the corp”!

Another useful one: One can now investigate the return value of functions during a debug session.

Now, while both features will certainly help to create better applications by helping you to get through your debug session more quickly and conveniently, another feature was introduced, which deserves a more critical look: now, there exist an option to explicitly compact the large object heap (LOH) during garbage collections. MSDN says:

If you assign the property a value of GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce, the LOH is compacted during the next full blocking garbage collection, and the property value is reset to GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.Default.

Hm… They state further:

You can compact the LOH immediately by using code like the following:

GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;

Ok. Now, it looks like there has been quite some demand for ‘a’ solution for a serious problem: LOH fragmentation. This basically happens all the time when large objects are created within your applications and relased and created again and released… you get the point: disadvantageous allocation pattern with ‘large’ objects will almost certainly lead to holes in the heap due to reclaimed objects, which are no longer there, but other objects still resisting in the corresponding chunk, so the chunk is not given back to the memory manager and OutOfMemoryExceptions are thrown rather early …

If all this sounds new and confusing to you – no wonder! This is probably, because you are using ILNumerics :) Its memory management prevents you reliably from having to deal with these issues. How? Heap fragmentation is caused by garbage. And the best way to handle garbage is to prevent from it, right? This is especially true for large objects and the .NET framework. And how would one prevent from garbage? By reusing your plastic bags until they start disintegrating and your eggs get in danger of falling through (and switching to a solid basket afterwards, I guess).

In terms of computers this means: reuse your memory instead of throwing it away! Especially for large objects this puts way too much pressure on the garbage collector and at the end it doesn’t even help, because there is still fragmentation going on on the heap. For ‘reusing’ we must save the memory (i.e. large arrays in our case) somewhere. This directly leads to a pooling strategy: once an ILArray is not used anymore – its storage is kept safe in a pool and used for the next ILArray.

That way, no fragmentation occurs! And just as in real life – keeping the environment clean gives you even more advantages. It helps the caches by presenting recently used memory and it protects the application from having to waste half the execution time in the GC. Luckily, the whole pooling in ILNumerics works completely transparent in the back. There is nothing one needs to do in order to gain all advantages, except following the simple rules of writing ILNumerics functions. ILNumerics keeps track of the lifetime of the arrays, safes their underlying System.Arrays in the ILNumerics memory pool, and finds and returns any suitable array for the next computation from here.

The pool is smart enough to learn what ‘suitable’ means: if no array is available with the exact length as requested, a next larger array will do just as well:

public ILRetArray CreateSymm(int m, int n) {
    using (ILScope.Enter()) {
        ILArray A = rand(m,n); 
        // some very complicated stuff here...
        A = A * A + 2.3; 
        return multiply(A,A.T);

// use this function without worrying about your heap!
while (true) {
   dosomethingWithABigMatrix(CreateSymm(1000,2000)); // one can even vary the sizes here!
   // at this point, your heap is clean ! No fragmentation! No GC gen.2 collections ! 

Keep in mind, the next time you encounter an unexpected OutOfMemoryException, you can either go out and try to make use of that obscure GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode property, or … simply start using ILNumerics and forget about that problem at least.

ILNumerics Language Features: Limitations for C#, Part II: Compound operators and ILArray

A while ago I blogged about why the CSharp var keyword cannot be used with local ILNumerics arrays (ILArray<T>, ILCell, ILLogical). This post is about the other one of the two main limitations on C# language features in ILNumerics: the use of compound operators in conjunction with ILArray<T>. In the online documentation we state the rule as follows:

The following features of the C# language are not compatible with the memory management of ILNumerics and its use is not supported:

  • The C# var keyword in conjunction with any ILNumerics array types, and
  • Any compound operator, like +=, -=, /=, *= a.s.o. Exactly spoken, these operators are not allowed in conjunction with the indexer on arrays. So A += 1; is allowed. A[0] += 1; is not!

Let’s take a closer look at the second rule. Most developers think of compound operators as being just syntactic sugar for some common expressions:

int i = 1;
i += 2;

… would simply expand to:

int i = 1;
i  = i + 2; 

For such simple types like an integer variable the actual effect will be indistinguishable from that expectation. However, compound operators introduce a lot more than that. Back in his times at Microsoft, Eric Lippert blogged about those subtleties. The article is worth reading for a deep understanding of all side effects. In the following, we will focus on the single fact, which becomes important in conjunction with ILNumerics arrays: when used with a compound operator, i in the example above is only evaluated once! In difference to that, in i = i + 2, i is evaluated twice.

Evaluating an int does not cause any side effects. However, if used on more complex types, the evaluation may does cause side effects. An expression like the following:

ILArray<double> A = 1;
A += 2;

… evaluates to something similiar to this:

ILArray<double> A = 1;
A = (ILArray<double>)(A + 2); 

There is nothing wrong with that! A += 2 will work as expected. Problems arise, if we include indexers on A:

ILArray<double> A = ILMath.rand(1,10);
A[0] += 2;
// this transforms to something similar to the following: 
var receiver = A; 
var index = (ILRetArray<double>)0;
receiver[index] = receiver[index] + 2; 

In order to understand what exactly is going on here, we need to take a look at the definition of indexers on ILArray:

public ILRetArray<ElementType> this[params ILBaseArray[] range] { ... 

The indexer expects a variable length array of ILBaseArray. This gives most flexibility for defining subarrays in ILNumerics. Indexers allow not only scalars of builtin system types as in our example, but arbitrary ILArray and string definitions. In the expression A[0], 0 is implicitly converted to a scalar ILNumerics array before the indexer is invoked. Thus, a temporary array is created as argument. Keep in mind, due to the memory management of ILNumerics, all such implicitly created temporary arrays are immediately disposed off after the first use.

Since both, the indexing expression 0 and the object where the indexer is defined for (i.e.: A) are evaluated only once, we run into a problem: index is needed twice. At first, it is used to acquire the subarray at receiver[index]. The indexer get { ...} function is used for that. Once it returns, all input arguments are disposed – an important foundation of ILNumerics memory efficency! Therefore, if we invoke the index setter function with the same index variable, it will find the array being disposed already – and throws an exception.

It would certainly be possible to circumvent that behavior by converting scalar system types to ILArray instead of ILRetArray:

ILArray A = ...;
A[(ILArray)0] += 2;

However, the much less expressive syntax aside, this would not solve our problem in general either. The reason lies in the flexibility required for the indexer arguments. The user must manually ensure, all arguments in the indexer argument list are of some non-volatile array type. Casting to ILArray<T> might be an option in some situations. However, in general, compound operators require much more attention due to the efficient memory management in ILNumerics. We considered the risk of failing to provide only non-volatile arguments too high. So we decided not to support compound operators at all.

See: General Rules for ILNumerics, Function Rules, Subarrays

Troubleshooting: Adding ILNumerics 3D Controls to the VS Toolbox

Adding ILNumerics visualizations to Visual Studio based projects has become a quite convenient task: It’s easy to use the ILNumerics math library for own projects in .NET. However, from time to time users have problems adding the ILNumerics controls to their Visual Studio Toolbox window.

Update: Since ILNumerics Ultimate VS version 4 this issue has been solved once for all. Simply install the MSI installer and find the ILNumerics ILPanel in the toolbox for all applicable situations.

That’s what a post on Stack Overflow from earlier this year was about: A developer who wanted to use our C# math library for 3d visualizations and simulations wasn’t able to access the ILNumerics controls. “How can I locate it?”, he was wondering. “Do I have to make some changes to my VS?”

Adding ILNumerics Controls to the Visual Studio Toolbox manually

If the ILNumerics Ultimate VS math library is installed on a system, normally the ILNumerics controls are automatically listed in the Visual Studio toolbox on all supported versions of Visual Studio. However, if that’s not the case there’s a way to a add them manually: After clicking right onto the toolbox, you can select “Choose Item”. The dialog allows you to select the assambly to load the controls from – that’s it! You will find the ILNumerics.dll in the installation folder on your system. By default this directory is located at:  “C:\Program Files (x86)\ILNumerics\ILNumerics Ultimate VS\bin\ILNumerics.dll”.

However, if that doesn’t work straightaway, it often helps to clear the toolbox from any copies of custom controls before – simply right-click it and choose “Reset Toolbox”.

Need help? ILNumerics Documentation and Support

You want to know more about our math library and its installation? Check out our documentation and the Quick Start Guide! If you have any technical questions, have a look at our Support Section.

Using LAPACK in C#/.NET: Linear Equotation Systems in ILNumerics

If you install a math library to your .NET/C# project, LAPACK will be probably one of the key feature you expect from that: The routines provided by LAPACK (which actually means: “Linear Algebra Package”) cover a wide range of functionalities needed for nearly any numerical algorithm, in natural sciences, computer science, and social science.

The LAPACK software library is written in FORTRAN code – until 2008 it was even written in FORTRAN 77. That’s why adding LAPACK functions to an enterprise software project written in Java or C#/.NET can be quite a demanding task: The implementation of native modules often causes problems regarding maintainability and steadiness of enterprise applications.

Our LAPACK implementation for C#/.NET

ILNumerics offers a convenient implementation of LAPACK for C# and .NET: It provides software developers both the execution speed of highly optimized processor specific native code and the convenience of managed software frameworks. That allows our users to create powerful applications in a very short time.

For linear algebra functions ILNumerics uses the processor-optimized LAPACK library by the MIT and Intel’s MKL. ILMath.Lapack is a concrete interface wrapper class that provides the native LAPACK functions. The LAPACK wrapper is initialized when a call to any static method of ILMath is made. Once the corresponding binaries for your actual architecture have been found, consecutive calls will utilize them in a very efficient way.

The MKL is utilized (and needed) for all calls to any fft(A) function, for matrix decompositions (like for example linsolve, rank, svd, qr etc.). The only exception to that is ILMath.multiply – the general matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication is just such an often needed feature, a math library simply could not go without. So we decided to implement ILMath.multiply() purely in managed code. The good thing: it is not really far behind the speed of the processor optimized version! If MKL binaries are found at runtime, those will be used, of course. But in the case of their absence, the managed version should work out just fast enough for the very most situations.

In most cases using this kind of .NET/C# LAPACK implementation means: faster results and more stable software applications. Learn more about Linear Equation Systems and other features of ILNumerics in our Documentation.

C# for 3D visualizations and Plotting in .NET

2D and 3D Visualizations are an important feature for a wide range of domains: both software developers and scientists often need convenient visualization facilities to create interactive scenes and to make data visible. The ILNumerics math library brings powerful visualization features to C# and .NET: ILView, the ILNumerics Scene Graph API and its plotting engine. We’d like to give an overview over our latest achievements.

ILView: a simple way to create interactive 3d visualizations

We have created ILView as an extension to our interactive web component: It allows you to simply try out ILNumerics’ 2d and 3d visualization features by chosing the output format .exe in our visualization examples. But that’s not all: ILView is also a general REPL for the evaluation of computational expressions using C# language. ILView is Open Source – find it on GitHub!

Screenshot of ILView
Using ILView for interactive 3D Visualization

ILNumerics Scene Graph: realize complex visualizations in .NET

The ILNumeric’s scene graph is the core of ILNumerics’ visualization engine. No matter if you want to create complex interactive 3D visualizations, or if you aim at enhancing and re-configuring existing scenes in .NET: The ILNumerics scene graph offers a convenient way to realize stunning graphics with C#. It uses OpenGL, GDI, and it’s possible to export scenes into vector and pixel graphics.

Screenshot of an interactive 3D scene
Using C# for 3D visualizations: the ILNumerics Scene Graph

Scientific Plotting: visualize your data using C#

With ILNumerics’ visualization capabilities, C# becomes the language of choice for scientists, engineers and developers who need to visualize data: Our plotting API and different kinds of plotting types (contour plots, surface plots etc.) make easy work of creating beautiful scientific visualizations.

Screenshot of a Surface Plot in ILNumerics
Scientific Plotting in .NET: A Surface Plot created with ILNumerics

Are you afraid of software developers?

In the 1980s and 1990s software developers had to face a bunch of bad prejudices: They were known to be sociophobic nerds, neglecting their real lifes in favor of hanging in front of the computer for writing code, discussing in hacking newsgroups and eating pizza.

Even though we’re still not living in a society of hackers, geekism has become mainstream. Not only the fact that most people spend a lot of time with their smartphones and computers: nerd culture is more popular than ever. Some weeks ago Luke Maciak wrote a nice article on that topic.

The establishment towards nerdism changed, and so did the general attitude towards software developers. In a way, programmers have become role models for the 21st century – not at least because they are an important factor regarding economic growth in the digital age.

However, having visited some events for start ups in Berlin has made us come across a new kind of prejudices towards developers. Most start ups in Berlin are more or less in the tech business: They create games, offer online services or develop facebook apps. Many of them have no CTOs in their teams, though. That’s why they employ freelancer developers.

Working together with software developers on this early stage of business is challanging for start ups. They often don’t have much money to spend: that’s why the wages developers ask for seem to be too high. Start ups want a strong team spirit: that’s why they don’t like developers to work from another place than their office.

But the most important problem is: As most founders aren’t developers theirselves, they don’t understand what their expensive freelancer is actually doing when he spends his days coding at home. For theis reason, young CEOs often become nervous: As their business depends on software, they feel like being on their developer’s mercy because he seems to be the only one who is actually able to understand his code.

In most cases we can calm down our fellows: Developers are used to get paid well and work when and where they want to. There’s also no reason to be afraid that no other developer would find his way into your software’s code: Modern languages and frameworks like .NET, Java or Ruby make most applications clean and well organized. So even in case you really have to split up with your developer, it won’t be that hard to find a new one who can continue his or her antecessor’s work.

In other words: In most cases there’s no need to be afraid of software developers. It’s pretty convenient to monitor enterprise software development these days.

However, the following question shows that this kind of convenience hasn’t arrived everywhere yet: “Why does scientific computing today still use only technology of the last century?”, someone claimed on reddit some days ago. This kind of question is the reason we have created ILNumerics: For the first time it brings the convenience and the improved efficiency and maintainence of modern managed languages to the development of numerical algorithms and 3d visualizations.

The Productivity Machine | A fresh attempt for scientific computing |