Global Contour Level Definition, Semiautomatic Settings
By default, ContourPlot automatically decides the number of contour levels to create. The contour lines and contour labels are configurable in the constructor of ContourPlot. Following optional settings are available. If a setting is defined, it affects all contour levels (lines and labels). If a setting was not defined by the user, default settings are taken from ContourLevel.Default.
- labelColor – color for the labels of all contour levels
- lineColor – color for all contour lines, if not given: map the contour level with the colormap
- lineStyle – dash style for all contour lines
- lineWidth – contour line width
- showLabels – switch all contour labels on / off, default: on
In order to set the contour labels color to red, increase the line width and choose a different colormap for mapping data values to colors, one may does: